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 We ask you to make Our Firm "Your Law Firm"

​We have a hidden agenda:
To make you so happy with the job we do for you that you become our salesperson and recommend Godfrey and Bernacchi to your friends and family in the future.

Lawsuits and legal matters can be very stressful, truly, we do understand first hand.  Please trust that we will work hard to win your case.  We will tell you if what we think with complete honestly always.  We cannot remember advise that is not honestly provided and take the Rules of Professional Conduct very serious. There is too much to do not to be ethical and honest with all clients at all times. You deserve ethical representation.  We also know that often, no good deed goes unpunished, and if any lawyer had a $100.00 for every client who got mad prematurely, or when their case was under control and on tract, every lawyer could retire.  Communication is important and you will have your lawyers cell phone to call or text to call you.  We understand you are under great stress and you have entrusted us with your future -- be it your freedom, financial future, recovery of losses, or seeking justice for you and your family.  We will treat you as we would our own family in your situation.  Service is our goal.

That being said, any lawyer that tells you they win every case is either less than truthful or only takes easy winnable cases. Often firms advertise to take only "Quick Kill" cases.  We try to serve the courts, law, the public and your needs over the long haul or as quick as required.  Our Lawyers have served more than 21,000 persons/clients/friends, who have called or met with us to address their legal matters.

And our firm will even come to you!  We spend more money on research and Continuing Legal Education than on office rent and locations.  Have laptop and cell phone, and legal mind and our lawyers will travel!  That is our TM.



261 E. 4th Street Office, Michigan City, IN
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